Monday, April 19, 2010

Totally Excited! Tuesday at 10am is now the Black Team! we get to wear Black T-shirts and show our tough attitude, we're moms after all!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

something Fun to do together!

I want the whole team to sing up themselves and their children to do the Walk In The Park at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom! If we get 10 people signed up, we pay $10 entry fees and if we each earn $50 in sponsors, we get to stay all day in the park! Benefits: Leukemia and other childhood cancer care at Berkeley children's cancer center. Nice long walk for the whole family. Free admission to six flags (minus entry fee). Something to do as a team! go to and look under "Walk in the Park". Don't sign up until you talk to me, because I want to make sure we get a group rate!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Biggest Loser Challenge

The Journey is ongoing. Searching high and low for those lucky few that will recieve the help they need for the changes they want to make! Have four victim (I mean contestants) lined up, need two more to round out my team. So excited to move forward here! Health and fitness is so important to being a good mother and wife. Without the energy to chase after those kids, they become less active and motivated and who wants that for their precious babies? I know that God's hand is in this venture and I know that He will continue the work He has begun in these wonderful men and women. He wants them to be able to do what they need to do, just like me! If you feel like this is something you want to do, let me know. 12 weeks of training sessions, professional seminars and fun challenges! Did I mention prizes? Cash Prizes?